Quarkus update in a gradle multi-module project

I’m ‘chalant’ about this, but it was the least worst option

The experimental quarkus update (or gradle quarkusUpdate) seems like a cool feature that really should graduate out of experimental. I’ve been happily using it in my personal projects and it works quite nicely under Linux conditions; Windows not so much. Sadly though, openrewrite the underlying plugin that is used by quarkus to do its thing doesn’t support gradle multi modules very well. I am, by no means, a gradle expert (who among us really is) and it seems that init scripts in a multi-module don’t run under the same conditions as a single module project (relentless banging on keys like a demented monkey hoping for a Shakespeare-esque moment ended in failure).

Running shellcheck on justfiles

More linting, more tooling, more betterer

I’ve found that I like just as a task runner, more so than anything else that I’ve used. It has some knowledge about task dependencies, and it supports all the major shells (because sometimes you do have to write it in Powershell rather than as a bash script). I use shellcheck a lot to nip potential issues in the bud so I wanted to be able to shellcheck the tasks that were effectively scripts inside a monolithic Justfile (there does come a point when I will split it up; but ~500 lines is nowhere that yet).

Pinning GitHub Actions to hashes

Might be more secure, but by the same token may not be

So, supply chain attacks are all the rage; and by all the rage I mean it’s a thing that’s happening, security people are concerned, and there’s been some thought leadership happening around it. People that know me know that I have a tangential interest in security; I couldn’t hold my own in a conversation about security with a professional but I am a dangerous amateur. If I’m lucky maybe the semi-finals of the local county schools’ championships (choose your elitist activity here, I would choose trash-talking). I’m not going to talk about why you should pin, but some of the practical consequences on pinning.

The masochistic joy of Windows

I bought a framework laptop, pre-built Windows; it needs stickers now.

I recently purchased a framework laptop; the Framework 13 13th Gen Intel variant. I have no complaints about the hardware, and I’m loving the hardware switch for the webcam & microphone. I have yet to find any niggles with it (though I have only had it for ~1 week). This acts as documentation for my setup to dual boot Windows (on NVMe) and Ubuntu (on 1Tb expansion).


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